The Official Wireshark Blog

Wish List: Decent SVG Network Elements

by Gerald Combs

· 231 words · 2 minutes to read

Nmap 5 has a really cool feature: you can scan a network and dump its map to SVG. Inkscape is turning out to be a really nice vector drawing program.

A really useful workflow would be to combine the two:

  1. Map your network using Nmap.
  2. Tweak that map to your liking using Inkscape.
  3. Have a cool map.

Unfortunately this is a harsh, cruel world we live in. The workflow we currently have is:

  1. Map your network using Nmap.
  2. Load the map Inkscape.
  3. Search the interwebs for decent SVG network elements until you have to explain the foul language and crying to your wife.

This is something Visio is famous for (network art, not the foul language and crying). Search for “visio stencils” and you’ll be bombarded with all sorts of network shapes, from major equipment manufacturers to ones that look like crayon art. Where are all the cool SVG network elements? Quantum Bits made a nice start, but we need a lot more than that.

Comments 🔗

Comment by shannon on 2009-12-02 10:09:28 +0000 🔗

this is some good info. thanks, by the way is there some wireshark software for the palm pre?

Comment by Kirby Files on 2009-12-23 13:06:31 +0000 🔗

Just a note: the OpenClipArt site (which can be accessed via the Inkscape “Import from Open Clipart Library” menu) has some (mostly rudimentary) SVG artwork. Try searching for “network”, “router”, or “server”.