The Official Wireshark Blog

Sharkfest ’10 Recap

by Gerald Combs

· 149 words · 1 minutes to read
Categories: Infrastructure

Sharkfest ’10 ended a week ago today and I’m still reeling. The conference started with a keynote from Van Jacobson and ended with one from Harry Saal, two monumental figures in our industry and very nice people to boot. Attendees traveled from all over the globe, from large companies to single-person operations. The presentations were packed with information and it was great to see how experts tackle packet-level network monitoring and troubleshooting. If you missed out we’re getting the presentations online as fast as we can.

Van Jacobson talking about sequence numbers

Harry Saal (left) talks with an attendee

I love Sharkfest. I get to interact with Wireshark developers and users daily but this is one of the few opportunities to meet them face to face. On behalf of CACE, thanks to everyone who attended. It’s great to see so many people enthusiastic about packet capture and about Wireshark!