The Official Wireshark Blog

Getting Ready for SharkFest ’16

by Gerald Combs

· 788 words · 4 minutes to read
Categories: Announcement

The week leading up to SharkFest is always a busy and hectic time around here, but it’s also exciting. I can’t wait to see everyone, and the talks and labs this year promise to continue our tradition of imparting protocol analysis knowledge and insight.

If you’re sill unsure about attending, perhaps this list of reasons for attending that Laura Chappell recently posted will sway you:

1. Gerald Combs and the Wireshark Developers

Gerald Combs, the creator of Wireshark (formerly Ethereal), and many of the core developers will be there actually working on the code in the Developer’s Den. They will be presenting many of the sessions, joining in on the social events (they are a fun group!) and sharing tips and techniques to improve your analysis process.

2. Wireshark Experts as Presenters and Varied Content Levels

There is no dispute that the presenters at SharkFest are the world-authorities on troubleshooting, security analysis, and network optimization. These are the folks who live in the world at packet-level  and can spot a rogue packet at 50 paces! Through a variety of introductory through advanced lectures and hands-on labs, these presenters will show you some hot Wireshark techniques to speed up your time to resolution.

3. Focus on Wireshark 2

It’s time to move up to Wireshark 2. All the presentations and labs at SharkFest ’16 will be focused around the new version of Wireshark. From new features to new techniques, accelerate your migration to Wireshark 2 by getting an inside look at how the experts work their magic.

4. The Reef at SharkFest

I will be hosting The Reef again at SharkFest. The Reef will host hands-on lab exercises, numerous Wireshark University Certified Instructors, Wireshark experts, and Wireshark Developers. Come in and try your hand at the labs and pick up the SharkFest Packet Challenge. This is a great opportunity to mingle amongst Wireshark gurus and hone your troubleshooting and network forensics skills.

5. Hands-On Labs

Get your hands dirty in one of the lab sessions at SharkFest. This year we have added a 100-seat hands-on classroom to SharkFest. This is in addition to the 300+ seater Hahn auditorium. We will also have numerous lab exercises hosted in the Reef and folks to help out on the more challenging labs.

6. Social Events and Peer Networking

The SharkFest team has put together a Welcome Dinner, Vendor Night Party, “Sake’s Surprise” Dinner, and Closing Reception to give you plenty of time to network with other analysts. The casual atmosphere of the Grand Hall lunch area and the Reef offer plenty of opportunities to meet and mingle with other attendees and the developers.

7. Packet Challenge

Again, you will have the chance to test your skills in the SharkFest Packet Challenge. Pick up the Challenge Worksheet in the Reef and grab the USB stick filled with trace files. Turn in your answers in the Reef by Wednesday evening and join us for the Packet Challenge Awards Ceremony in the closing keynote timeslot.

8. Analysis-Focused Vendors

Vendor night is a highlight of the event. As the band plays and the food sizzles on the grill, visit the vendors who sponsor SharkFest. Each vendor is focused on network analysis, troubleshooting, security, optimization and other related topics. These are the folks we all work with to build the most effective analysis environments possible.

9. Computer History Museum and the Revolution

Considered one of the world’s best collection of historical objects relating to the computer industry, the Computer History Museum is a must-see destination for folks in the tech industry! During SharkFest, you will have time to visit the Revolution exhibit to see history in the making. This is our second year at the Computer History Museum – it’s an amazing venue.

10. Sake’s Surprise

I can’t wait to give you more details on this one. Right now, the surprise is in development. It should really be a highlight at SharkFest ’16. As soon as I’m allowed to spill the beans, I will!

11. Troubleshooting with Wireshark Pre-Conference Class

As an extra here, I will be teaching a 3-day class just before SharkFest. The focus is troubleshooting, troubleshooting, troubleshooting! Get the bundle pricing for SharkFest and the 3-day class at

If you can’t attend SharkFest U.S., these reasons also apply to SharkFest Europe. If you are attending either conference, I’ll see you there!

Comments 🔗

Comment by Richard Stewart on 2016-06-10 14:19:47 +0000 🔗

Couldn’t find a contact address, so am posting this here….
RSS feed at ‘’ appears badly broken – validation through ‘’ shows multiple errors. Discovered this as I use Outlook as my RSS reader. Any chance you could look at it/fix it please?