The Official Wireshark Blog

Running Wireshark as You

by Gerald Combs

Categories: Security Tip

Running Wireshark on Linux involves an interesting challenge1: Capturing packets requires root access, but Wireshark is big program and we strongly recommend against running it with elevated privileges. On Linux it’s common to see Wireshark running as root, but this is nearly unheard for similarly-sized applications like Firefox and GIMP. How can we avoid running Wireshark as root?

Shark Appliance Preview

by Loris Degioanni

Categories: Tools
Things have been pretty busy at CACE Technologies over the last few months. As a result, we have a nice pipeline of cool products that will hit the market over the course of the next year or so. A product that we are going to announce very soon is the Shark Appliance. Think about a rack-mountable system that can do long term 24/7 recording of multiple Gigabit links without dropping packets. Now add: – An extremely slick user interface, based on Pilot, which allows you to remotely navigate across terabytes of data and pinpoint issues in a few mouse clicks. – Full integration with Wireshark. Not as in “we can save in .pcap so Wireshark can read it”, but as in “highlight a conversation IN THE REMOTE BOX and instantly see the relevant packets in Wireshark ON YOUR LAPTOP”. – Remote control on multiple appliances from a single console. – The possibility to buy the product as a Kit: card + OS + software. I find this quite revolutionary, because it will make it possible to configure the hardware (disk type and size, CPU…) for your specific needs, and at the same time save money.

Sharkfest ’10 Registration Now Open

by Gerald Combs

Categories: Announcement
Tags: sharkfest
Registration for the third annual Wireshark Developer and User Conference is now open! If you want to learn how to get the most out of Wireshark, develop dissectors, or just hang around with protocol geeks this is the place to be! Comments 🔗Comment by solanki on 2010-02-06 06:09:54 +0000 🔗HELOO I CANT USED THIS PLZ USE THIS SOFTWARE PROSESS