The Official Wireshark Blog

Shark. Laser Beam.

Categories: Humor Pictures
Tags: laser shark

Tip from Laura: SMB2 Vulnerability Wireshark Filter

Categories: Security Tip
The big tech news this morning was a recently-discovered SMB2 vulnerability in Windows Vista, 2008, and 7. Laura Chappell created a Wireshark display filter for identifying offending traffic: ((smb.cmd == 0x72) && (smb.flags.response == 0)) && !( == 0) See the full report on her site for more information. Comments đź”—Comment by Jay on 2009-10-07 14:19:26 +0000 đź”—Hi, I am doing some Software Performance Test(thru network environment) and Im using Wireshark to analyze it. My Capture filter is ether host xx:xx:xx and Display filter is smb2. What is the filter syntax should I use to remove the packet using GUID handle file:xxx under smb2 protocol. Please help.

Does IPv6 Adoption Depend on Akamai?

Tags: ipv6

The ongoing effort to switch the entire planet over to IPv6 has a chicken-and-egg problem: there is little incentive to deploy it if no one else is using it. This is expected to change as IPv4 addresses become more scarce, but for the time being uptake is dismal (in the U.S. at least).

One easy way to measure IPv6 adoption is to see how many of Alexa’s top sites have AAAA records. Hurricane Electric and Lars Eggert do a good job of this. Following in their footsteps my own version of this data is shown below:

IPv6 Adoption - Alexa top 1000

IPv6 Adoption - Alexa top 1000

It shows IPv6 adoption in Alexa’s top 1000 sites along with the number of sites using Akamai. The number of IPv6 sites is pretty small but the number of “testing” sites is encouraging. See the notes below for a detailed explanation and breakdown.

Who is Akamai? They’re a giant content and application delivery provider.