New Document Icons
Thanks to Elliott Aldrich the next release of Wireshark will have great-looking document icons. Here’s a preview:
It's a trace file, not a commentary on PayPal. Thanks Elliott!
Comments đź”—Comment by Elliott Aldrich on 2009-11-18 21:22:16 +0000 đź”—My pleasure! I always enjoy making icons and I am proud to contribute to the Wireshark project.
Javascript Background Animation
The Windows 7 taskbar does this nifty little background animation when you mouse over an open application’s icon. I wanted to see if the effect could be duplicated on a web page.
Suppose we have a couple of inline elements:
<img class="bgmove" src="wsbadge-empty.png">
</div> <h1>
<span class="bgmove">Packets!</span>
</h1> The image is mostly transparent:
We have a background that’s slightly larger than our elements, which lets us position it using negative offsets:
.bgmove {
background-image: url('wsbadge-bg.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: -50px -20px;
} jQuery lets us do two important things: track mouse motion and determine an element’s dimensions. This lets us shift the backround around when we mouse over each element:
$("div img.bgmove").pngFix();
var elWidth = $(;
var elHeight = $(;
var bgWidth = 279;
var bgHeight = 95;
var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
//var offX = -1 * (x * (bgWidth - elWidth) / elWidth); // Against the mouse
var offX = (x * (bgWidth - elWidth) / elWidth) - (bgWidth - elWidth); // With the mouse
var offY = -1 * (y * (bgHeight - elHeight) / elHeight); // Against the mouse
//var offY = (y * (bgHeight - elHeight) / elHeight) - (bgHeight - elHeight); // With the mouse
bgPos = offX + 'px ' + offY + 'px';
Sharkfest ’10 – Mark your calendar
Sharkfest ’10 will take place at Stanford University from June 14 to 18. I’ll follow up when I have more details.
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