Category Archives: Tip

Troubleshooting the hidden dangers of TCP’s Nagle algorithm and delayed acknowledgement

As we all know, TCP/IP is a great protocol suite.  However, there are times when it can become the bottleneck.  This is especially true if you use TCP/IP for real time transactions where small data sizes are the norm (think financial institutions).  In this session, I’ll show you why Nagle algorithm and delayed acknowledgement was developed.  But more importantly, I’ll highlight the unintended consequences when the two features interact – badly – with each other.  After watching this session, you will be able to spot the hidden dangers of using TCP/IP for real time transactions.   Enjoy, and as always, I would really appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Here is the video:

And as always, any and all feedback and suggestion are welcome.  Thank you and Enjoy!

Hansang Bae